Covert Deception Read online
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“Damn, You up there like Justin Timberlake’s new sista side piece or something.” Then sarcastically adds, “I appreciate you calling me and letting me know you are ok, damn. Hey girl grab me some of them chocolates...nah. Forget that. I'm coming over there you need me to bring you anything?” Ronelle rattles on, “Oh, Jesse made the news tonight. They say they have no leads. But they gotta know something or they wouldn't have you up there ballin’ for nothing. Oh and the morgue wants you to call first thing in the morning. Plus you got a call from the Department of the Armed Forces. I can't pronounce this dudes name but he did leave his number. He said you can send him the invoices for Jesse's funeral and they will pay it. Oh can you stick my car insurance bill in there by accident!” The two women laugh together as Ronelle tells Vivian she is on her way over to the hotel. Vivian responds, “Ro ain't nothing here funny. I gotta bury my husband. It hurts, it really hurts.” Ronelle expresses to Vivian that she loves her and will do anything for her. “I'm on my way. Just save me some of that shrimp cocktail I know you got up there. I just gotta get Alex from basketball practice so gimme a hour girl.” Vivian voices her uncertainty with possibly putting Ronelle and Alex in danger.
Ronelle responds, “It’s all love Viv if they kill you, they gotta kill me first! I do think the safest place for you is where you are now with police protecting you and puttin' you up. I’ll be fine, don't worry about me…Plus ain’t nobody after my ass.”
The two women laugh together before Vivian asks Ronelle to bring her IPad with her. Vivian ends her call.
Chapter 2
Two months earlier...
Six U.S. commando officers of the Military Intelligence and Covert Operations Unit, otherwise known as M.I.C.O. were assigned to a covert mission in Venezuela. This elite group is employed under a secret branch within the C.I.A. whereas most of their work is Level One…Top Secret. This particular assignment was to provide security for two C.I.A. reps conducting a meeting with four Colombian nationals. The commandos are never privy to the exact details when given assignments, and this time was no different.
Unbeknownst to them, the C.I.A. reps set up this meeting to assassinate President Simon Ortega of Colombia. The meeting took place at the back of a restaurant in Puerto Ayacucho, a small town fifty miles from the Colombian border.
The commandos approached the restaurant and didn't notice anything out of place initially. When they arrived M.I.C.O. Officer Greg McKenna addressed one of the well-dressed C.I.A. agents and was quickly brought up-to-date on all details prior to their arrival. Another C.I.A. agent, dressed in military fatigues and combat boots stood silently as he listened to the conversation with a careful ear.
McKenna, the M.I.C.O. leader, immediately broke his men into two groups to secure the area. Soldiers Timothy Novak and Jesse Baylor second and third in command, were positioned along with McKenna inside of the restaurant. Soldiers Marlon Starr, Ross Barone and Jerome (Rome) Dixon guarded the outside. While outside, Rome casually adjusts the strap on his rifle as Barone is watching two children innocently throwing rocks into the creek nearby. Jesse was stationed near the restaurant front door. McKenna and Novak are standing approximately ten feet behind the table where the C.I.A. agents and Colombian nationals are seated.
The C.I.A. agents conduct their meeting like a regular business meeting with little small talk and pleasantries. The Columbians they are meeting with smiles as the agents bark orders to the M.I.C.O. officers. The C.I.A. agents emphasize the importance of this job to the Colombian nationals. The Columbians attempt to provide suggestions for carrying out the assassination. The C.I.A. agents are not interested in their suggestions and further inform the Colombians that they are being paid to execute the job keep quiet and nothing else. Tension between the two factions quickly grew. As soon as the C.I.A. agent in the business suit angrily spoke out one of the Columbians with a large scar from ear to mouth; calmly turned to privately whisper to his compadres standing behind him. A minute later The Columbians abruptly gathered themselves to leave; the business meeting is over. The C.I.A. agent wearing the fatigues, firmly told the Colombians to reconsider their decision but the Colombians had enough of the insults and disrespect. One of the C.I.A. agents then draws his weapons and the uneasiness of the moment is at its peak. The Colombians immediately and nervously identify all the U.S. M.I.C.O. officers stationed inside and outside the restaurant by their heavy artillery and walkie-talkies. The Colombians nervously swivel their heads back and forth in an apparent search for a quick and easy escape from the restaurant.
McKenna calmly tells one of the Colombians in Spanish, “Calmate. Calmate amigo! Relax!” As soon as McKenna turns around a waiter comes bursting out of the kitchen dropping a bowl of paella on the floor. The distraction makes one of the Colombians lets off multiple rounds from his automatic rifle, wounding McKenna in his left shoulder and lower arm. McKenna immediately hits the ground and begins yelling to the C.I.A. agents, “Down! Get Down!” He lets off a round of fire instantly killing the enemy that shot him. McKenna yells to the agents, “Move! Move! Let's Go!”
In the barrage of bullets the C.I.A. agents are hit killing the one in fatigues and severely wounding the well-dressed agent who was able to crawl towards Novak for cover.
Jesse shoots and kills one of the enemy and takes cover as the three more Columbians continue shooting at him. Starr crashes through the restaurant window and Novak yells, "4 o'clock! At 4 o'clock!" Starr turns around and begins shooting rushing toward the other remaining Colombians. Barone rolls through the front door of the restaurant and begins shooting it out with one of the Colombians as he pulls the wounded C.I.A. agent out of the line of fire. With only one of the enemy left Starr takes cover as McKenna rolls under a table for cover.
Novak assists Barone in getting the wounded C.I.A. agent outside of the restaurant. Barone yells into his radio, “Eagle Six! We're coming out now! Terminated!” Barone yells another code indicating the present location of the last surviving Columbian, “Red Four! 6 o'clock!”
Rome outside makes sure there is no other enemy hiding or approaching the restaurant. Novak leaves the agent with Rome as he goes to retrieve the Humvee parked behind the restaurant. Novak drives the vehicle right up to the front door and yells into the restaurant, “Mission abort!” Rome rushes toward the back of the Humvee to secure the rear of the vehicle so the men can quickly put the C.I.A. agent inside without additional harm.
As Novak speeds off, he doesn't notice a wounded Colombian stand up inside the restaurant. The unaccounted enemy unloads heavy rounds at the remaining military security soldiers inside the restaurant dining room. McKenna, positioned next to the kitchen door kills the enemy with a series of shots to the upper body. McKenna yells, “All Down! 2 o'clock! No cover!”
Jesse and Starr survey the restaurant for anyone else who might have survived the gunfight. Barone goes around gathering the weapons off of the dead bodies in the restaurant. Novak is in the Humvee with the severely wounded C.I.A. agent and yells out, “Roll out! Let’s Go!”
Jesse yells out to let everyone know that McKenna is also wounded.
Even though McKenna has lost a lot of blood, he tells his team that he is fine, and to gather all evidence and proof that they were there. He yells, “Sweep the area now! What is our clearance!” Rome responds, “I don't see nobody! But it’s hot! It’s hot, we need to go!” Novak gets out of the Humvee to help McKenna into the vehicle and bellows, “Transport is ready! Move! Move!' Jesse, Barone and Starr re-enter the restaurant to collect all briefcases, folders, papers, drinking glasses and put them into a knapsack-type bag. Barone then opens a small container with a tube and sprays a liquid substance onto a table and lit it on fire.
He then yells, “Clear! Red Four!”
Rome jumps behind the wheel of the Humvee and speeds down a secluded tree lined road.
Unfortunately the well-dressed C.I.A. agent rescued from the restaurant dies on the way to the plane waiting to take them back to the U.S. mi
litary base in Honduras.
Chapter 3
Back at the J.W. Marriott, it is 8:30 pm. Vivian and Ronelle are in the hotel suite relaxing on the couch in the living room. Alex is finishing his homework in the dining room. He is sitting at the large mahogany dining table underneath a beautiful crystal chandelier.
Ronelle inquires, “Viv you called the morgue today to have Jesse's body picked up? The funeral stuff straight?”
“I've taken care of everything.”
“Need me to make any phone calls to the family, anybody?" Vivian calmly answers, “No, I've called everybody I needed to call hun. Thanks.”
Vivian sits back and reflects to Ronelle about the brief but good times she shared with Jesse. Ronelle loves Vivian and gives her solace and support in her time of grief.
Ronelle says, “You know how I feel about Jesse, but I want you to know that I am always here for you. And I won't say anything not one thing bad about him tonight.” Ronelle continues, “Girl I should've been your husband. I spent more nights with you than your damn husband did! Your ass-imprint is stuck in my couch or something! We’d be camped out on it with you trying to convince me to see some good in Jesse! My cat thinks you are a piece of furniture, you over at my place so much! Damn!” The two women laugh as Ronelle adds, “He was lucky to have you girl.”
Vivian chuckles, “I loved him very much. I loved him from our first date Ro.”
There is a knock on the hotel suite door. It is Det. Ellis as he lets Vivian know it is him. He used his key and enters the suite. The detective is not warm to the fact that Vivian has company, but he understands that Ronelle is her closest friend and is there to help her.
Det. Ellis asks, “Mrs. Baylor how are you doing this evening, did you have dinner?” He then begins to talk to Alex about basketball. “Young man did you know that the Cavs are in town to see the Pelicans? I wish I had tickets to see them play.”
Vivian responds, “I ate, thank you. What took you so long? You said we're going to talk about all of this. Are we're going to do that right now Detective?”
“Yes, sorry about that. We can talk now in private Mrs. Baylor.”
Ronelle snaps, “Oh, hell no! I'm not goin' anywhere!” Vivian cuts in, “No whatever you have to say you can in front of my friend here! Now what is going on!”
Detective Ellis glances at Ronelle and says to Vivian, “Okay from what we at N.O.P.D. your life is in danger. The people who killed your husband are looking for you right now. But we will keep you safe up here until we apprehend your husband's killer or killers. No need for you to worry, you are safe okay.”
Ronelle and Vivian look at each other in anger and disbelief. They take a second or two, then snap, “Detective! We already know that! That's what you had to go find out for over an hour? Who’s after me? Why? Why did they kill my husband! You are tryin’ my patience!?”
Det. Ellis responds, “Look! I'm telling what we know Mrs. Baylor! I'm telling you, you are in a serious situation here! What, you want to go home?! You can’t! We need your help here just as much as you need ours! You’re going to have to trust me here ma'am! You must and you will stay here! Okay?!”
Vivian and Ronelle are finally quiet, Ronelle asks, “How long she gotta be up here?! She still ain’t bury her husband yet. What do you want from her?”
“I hope just for tonight. We are conducting an investigation of the murder of a federal agent in the city of New Orleans. He supposedly had an important package with him when he was killed, and that package is now missing! This is real serious; this is not a game here Mrs. Baylor!”
Ronelle turns to Vivian and says, “You could still stay at my house and no one would know girl. You don’t have to put up with this shit, you know that right?”
Det. Ellis snidely replies, “Look Miss, why don't you take your son home. It's getting late. You need parking validation or anything? This is a police matter now.”
Before Ronelle can get angry, Vivian tells her she will be fine tonight, and that she needs to get Alex home. Vivian adds, “Ro, go on girl, before you catch that (Pelicans) game traffic. He's right, I can't be any safer than I am right here. I'll be fine.”
Ronelle gives Vivian a hug and tells her that she will call her first thing in the morning, and will come over to the hotel after she gets Alex off to school. Vivian walks Ronelle and Alex to the door and again tells them goodnight.
Det. Ellis asks Vivian if there is anything he can do to make her comfortable.
The detective offers some of his cake and coffee that he brought from the hotel lobby; she politely says no. Det. Ellis casually asks Vivian questions about her marriage, finances, etc. Vivian isn't comfortable with the detective's questions but she understands why he must ask.
She tells him that her marriage to Jesse was very strong even though they did not see each other as often as most married couples do. She tells that her marriage was a loving marriage with no money problems.
Vivian tells the detective, “Enough of these questions about my marriage ok. Just find out who killed my husband and why.”
Vivian gets up and walks to the kitchen and asks if there are any other police that will take shifts protecting her.
Det. Ellis laughs and says no. He adds, “I’m the only one assigned to this detail. We have a long day tomorrow. Good night ma'am.”
Det. Ellis makes sure all the doors are locked and calls down to the front desk to hold all phone calls. He reminds Vivian not to open any doors or use the hotel phone. The detective tells Vivian to call him on the room’s intercom system if she needs anything during the night.
Vivian sarcastically responds, “All this for little ole' me. I feel like the Thanksgiving turkey that’s been fattened up, stuffed and ready to be chowed down on.”
6:34 am – The next morning, Vivian wakes up. Considering she has a lot on her mind and she’s sleeping in a strange bed, she has slept relatively well. Vivian rolls over in her bed and reaches for her cell phone, which is on the night table. She checks to see if anyone called overnight. Other than Ronelle calling an hour ago, no one has called.
Det. Ellis knocks on her bedroom door and announces himself. He asks Vivian if she is decent. Vivian says yes and the detective enters to see her on the white couch watching the morning news. She greets the Det. Ellis good morning.
Det. Ellis responds, “Good morning ma’am. I ordered breakfast. I got you pancakes I hope that’s ok.”
Vivian responds, “Yes, that is the most comfortable bed I’ve ever slept in. I’m used to my cat climbing all over me by 5(am) but I’m good. Ready to take care of some business this morning? Any new news about my husband?”
Det. Ellis tells Vivian to come out to the dining room so they can talk and eat breakfast.
As Vivian and Det. Ellis walk into the dining room, Vivian is amazed at how good the food looks. Very ornate omelets, pancakes, a crepe maker, fruits, muffins the works. She responds, “Yum, I don’t know where to start!”
Det. Ellis takes some blackberries and puts them in his mouth. He tells Vivian that they will be going back to her home to search for evidence and leads that will help them figure out what happened to Jesse and why. Vivian tells the detective that she is scared to go back to her condo. Det. Ellis tells her that everything will be fine and that they must look into Jesse's latest correspondence with her.
Vivian's cell phone rings; its Ronelle who is checking to see how Vivian is doing this morning. The two women go back and forth without taking a breath.
Det. Ellis rolls his eyes and tells Vivian he is going to get his newspaper down in his room. As Vivian is talking with Ronelle she notices a single page letter being slid underneath the suite door. She looks to see if Det. Ellis saw what she saw, he didn’t.
There is no knock at the door so after a moment Vivian casually gets off the couch and walks to the door. Without disrupting Ronelle's conversation Vivian picks up the letter and sees her name on it scribbled in black magic marker. Vivian unfolds the letter and th
e letterhead says it’s from an Inspector David Clark with the F.B.I., the New Orleans office.
Vivian turns to look around the suite to see if she sees Det. Ellis, she doesn’t. Vivian then carefully and slowly unlocks the suite door and opens it. She looks down both directions of the hall to see who left the note for her, Vivian sees no one. She closes and locks the door, standing there to read the letter.
Mrs. Baylor I am working on the federal investigation of your husband Jesse Baylor's death. We here at the Bureau are deeply saddened by your loss. To help in the investigation I have information I need for you to confirm. We need authority from you to look into you and your husband's joint business dealings. I do need for you to come to my office and meet with me. Call me as soon as you receive this letter so we can schedule a convenient time to meet. Please call me on my cell phone at (504) 555-1803 or from 9am to 4pm at the office at (504) 334-9449. Best to reach me on my cell phone.
Thank You, Insp. David Clark
Vivian still on the phone with Ronelle abruptly tells her that she has to go. She tells her, “I'll be going by my house with the detective in about an hour. I’ll text you when I’m on my way over ok, I gotta go Ro.”
Vivian immediately calls Insp. Clark on his cell phone. He answers, “Good morning Mrs. Baylor, thank you for calling so quickly. Firstly I am very sorry for your loss. Your husband was an honorable and respected member of the U.S. military. He was a good man and again I am sorry for your loss.”
Vivian responds, “Thank you for your kindness Insp. Clark.”
Insp. Clark hurriedly continues, “Ma'am with help from the New Orleans Police Department we have good information this morning on your husband's murder case. We all want to catch who is responsible for his death, I want you to know that okay. Because your husband worked for the federal government to a certain point, we have confidential knowledge that we cannot share with the New Orleans Police Department. I need you to confirm the information for us, so we know we are going in the right direction with this investigation okay. So I do need to meet with you this morning if possible ma’am.”